If you need help or support, there are numerous professionals and free services available. You can report your experiences at various counseling centers, receive assistance, and discuss what further steps might be helpful with experts. Below you will find useful contacts and free counseling centers with various areas of focus.


At the ProBeweis network, individuals affected by sexual and/or domestic violence can have evidence secured independently of filing a report with the police. One of the partner clinics for securing evidence is the Hannover Medical School (MHH) in Hannover.

Phone: 0511 532-4599
E-Mail: probeweis@mh-hannover.de 
Website: www.probeweis.de

The term “K.O. drops” encompasses various substances that have a rapid sedative effect and are administered unnoticed. K.O. drops are often covertly mixed into drinks to render individuals helpless and defenseless. Information about their effects and what you can do if you suspect being drugged can be found here: www.sichtbar-bs.de/kotropfen/


All residents of Hannover can turn to the Antidiskriminierungsstelle Landeshauptstadt Hannover if they have experienced discrimination or become aware of such incidents within the city. The Anti-Discrimination Office provides initial counseling (not legal advice), joint discussions and determination of individual strategies, ongoing case support, and further networking if necessary. Consultations are available in German and English. Municipal interpreters are also available for translation into other languages.

E-Mail: ads@hannover-stadt.de
Website: www.hannover.de/ads

Direct Contact to all staff: 

Frau Becker: E-Mail: Charlotte.Becker@hannover-stadt.de / Phone: 0511 168-36242
Herr Kalifa: Daniel.Kalifa@hannover-stadt.de / Phone: 0511 168-31045 
Person Sadowski: E-Mail: Simon.Sadowski@hannover-stadt.de / Phone: 0511 168-33249

All residents of Germany, who have experienced discrimination based on racial grounds or due to their ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age, or sexual identity can turn to the Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes. The Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes Agency supports and advises those affected. It provides information about rights under the General Equal Treatment Act, and options for legal action, and can also refer individuals to other counseling services.

Consultations are available in German, English, Arabic, and sign language.

Phone: 0800 546 546 5
E-Mail: beratung@ads.bund.de
Website: https://www.antidiskriminierungsstelle.de 

The Frauennotruf Hannover is a specialized counseling center for all women and adolescent girls who have been affected by sexual violence. The Women’s Helpline respects the diversity of gender identities and includes trans women, queer women, intersex individuals, and non-binary people. The Women’s Helpline provides therapeutic and practical support tailored to the needs of women.

Counseling is available in German or English, and an interpreter will be arranged if needed.

Phone: 0511 332112
E-Mail: info@frauennotruf-hannover.de
Website: https://frauennotruf-hannover.de 

The specialized counseling center Violetta is a place where girls and young women can find support to talk about their experiences of sexual violence and its effects. The services are aimed at affected girls and young women aged three to 26, as well as supportive family members and professionals.

Counseling is available in German or English, and an interpreter will be arranged if needed.

Phone: 0511 855554
E-Mail: info@violetta-hannover.de 
Website: www.violetta-hannover.de 

Anstoß is a specialized counseling center in Hannover that focuses on sexual violence against boys and male adolescents. It provides advice and support in cases of sexual violence, offers specialized counseling, and provides training.

Online consultations are also available.

Phone: 0511 123 58911
E-Mail: anstoss@maennerbuero-hannover.de
Website: www.anstoss-hannover.de

As a contact point for victims of right-wing, racist, and antisemitic violence in Lower Saxony, the Victim Support Service supports all individuals who have experienced such hostilities as victims, family members, or witnesses. The counseling centers assist with all desired steps, from reporting the crime to (re)discovering one’s strength and making racism visible.

Counseling in Hannover is provided by Asyl e.V., and it is available in multiple languages.

Phone: 0179 1255333
Phone: 0159 06390203
Phone: 0159 06849290
E-Mail: sued-nds@­betroffenenberatung.de 
Website: https://betroffenenberatung.de/  

The psychological counseling center offers advice on various personal life issues. Among other matters, the Osterstraße counseling center offers consultations for LGBTQ* individuals (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Intersex, and Queer). People who have experienced discrimination based on their sexual gender identity can reach out here.

The counseling is provided by staff members who are familiar with the realities of a queer lifestyle.

Phone: 0511 920 944 0
E-Mail: info@beratungsstelleosterstrasse.de
Website: https://beratungsstelleosterstrasse.de